#goanewsEdiTweeT: No trust motion against new Sarpanch of #Mandrem in 24 hours is mere #PoliticsOfPower by Builder #MLA @JitArolkar? Isn’t it a “hotspot” of IllegalLandConversions in #Goa today? 373 proposals of 33.68 lakh sqmts under 16B of TCPAct in Mandrem alone still pending!
For verification, go through all the details of #GovtofGoa reply submitted in #GoaAssembly on 5 February 2020 Qn No 026 id 21370 by then TCP Minister Babu Kavalekar to the Qn asked by @digambarkamat. Click here & Search. The whole Politics of Land explained in a book Ajeeb Goa’s Gajab Politics.