Chief Minister Dr Pramod Sawant inaugurated Swatantra Senani Shri Jagannathrao Joshi Sarkari Prarthamik Vidyalaya at Housing Board, Sankhali today.
Present on the occasion were Shri. Shailesh Zingde, Director Education, Shri Gopal Surlakar, Zilla Panchayat Member, Smt Shubhada Savoikar, Smt. Rashmi Desai, Shri Dayanand Boryekar, Councillors, Raju Malik, Sarpanch Harvalem Panchayat, Shri Harish Hadconkar, MD, GSIDC and others.
Addressing the inaugural function, Chief Minister, Dr Pramod Sawant maintained that Sankhali is the only village where you can get education from KG to PhD an idea of implementing foundation courses under the new education policy, he added.
The Chief Minister said, we have to build the future of the students and the Government is ready to provide the required infrastructure. He advised the students to take steps that lead to a successful career through innovative ideas.
The Chief Minister also assured that hostel facilities will be made available at Sankhali soon.
Shri Prasad Gawas, Shri Dattaguru Joshi and Smt. Snehalata Manerkar were felicitated at the hands of the Chief Minister for their contribution to the education field.
Earlier, Smt Shubhada Savoikar welcomed the guests and introduced the guests. Smt. Krupali Gawas, Headmistress compèred the function.
Directorate of Education, Govt. of Goa has been regulating the various Government Schools and has been making their best efforts to maintain the upkeep of Government schools. In order to cater to the needs of the students, the State Government, Directorate of Education is providing the vital infrastructural facilities required for the schools to cater to the necessities of the students & to give the best facilities available like provision of the classrooms, playgrounds, recreational facilities, maintaining hygienic conditions, etc.